4 days of mountain bike riding in Eastern Europe



mountain bike riding in eastern europe

In the first day, we did a short accommodation ride near the Colibita lake. The second day, the journey began. After a loop around the lake, we climbed towards the Borgo Pass, famous for the Bram Stoker’s novel – Dracula. Our host was the Dracula Castle Hotel.

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Free horses.




Rolling happily downhill towards Borgo Pass, not knowing what waits for us ahead.

The severe storms from the last days put the forest down.

We struggled a bit, but still got in time to the Castle for a delicious dinner.


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Tornado like effect.


Dracula’s castle waits for us.


Next day we had a short visit to the Piatra fantanele monastery,

a place with great view over the surroundings.


Dacia –  the romanian car. The 1310 model is already an oldtimer.


This day is going to take us to forgotten villages,

beautiful blooming meadows and great views.



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Happy to meet us.

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Riding trough bucolic landscapes.

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Sustainable mean of transportation.

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One of our favorites view place and probably one of

the most beautiful in the Carpathians.

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Perfect place to have rest :).


Marcos comes to the rescue with a branch full of wild cherries.

We meet at the lunch places after coming from the opposite site.


One more hill to climb and we launch towards the final destination

for today on a thrilling and enjoyable downhill.

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And the last day is here. We do a short loop around the village.

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Getting some air

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Checking the downhill ride from the previous day.


The weather was on our side, again. We had a perfect time,

on the perfect places with the perfect people.

Thank you guys for the great fun!


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