How to transport your bike on an airplane



Below we provide a number of tips on how to transport your bike on an airplane and avoid to the maximum the potential problems that may arise.

CarpathianDreams recommends to each client to bring its own bike to enjoy the mountain biking holiday in Romania. If this is not possible we can provide rental bikes on a  prior notice.
Before buying the ticket do the following:
1 – Check the website of the company to meet its  policy regarding bicycles transportation. Get the facts of measures, maximum weights of the luggage and notifies you travel with a bicycle. If you buy your ticket online in a search engine note what they charge for transporting your bike, because it can be cheaper to buy a ticket this way, but by adding transport bike you get it more expensive.
If you are a group, take in account that the maximum number of bikes that can be taken in one flight might be limited.
2 – Print a snapshot with the information on the website of the company because if they update the web, you can not prove what you read in the time of booking the flight.
3- If you call the customer service number, enter the name of the person you speak, the day and time, because you face a claim they will apply. Those conversations are recorded and is the only way to prove that you facilitated information.
4 – Check if you fly with a single company, there are companies that do not operate a route and sell you the ticket as his, but the flight is operated by a different company if you operate on the route. So the policy of the company performing the shipment of your luggage, mind applies because it is the company that charges you.
5 – Getting well in advance to be the first bill, airport workers will be quieter and may be more flexible with possible overweights. Also because the bike is billed by a different packing tape, it is collected by operators who carry on the plane so it takes longer to arrive. If you arrive just in time he might not embark on time and get to your destination without it.
In almost all cases, companies request that the bike is protected either with a specific bag for bicycle transport or packed in a cardboard box. Failure to do so, some companies may refuse to transport and charge a cardboard box that facilitate you to do so.
The specific carrier bags are the safest to transport your bike and easier to move as some have wheels. There are rigid and padded models, the former are more reliable but heavier and more expensive. They are indicated if you have a bike face or you like to have it well protected.
Its drawbacks are that the price is high, and if they are rigid are heavier.
If you plan to travel a lot with the bike is advisable to be done with, remember that once you visit the carpatos us are going to want to come more times.
Do not worry about where to keep them, in CarpathianDreams tours we will take care of it.
:: How to get the bike inside.
The specific bags are designed to protect the bike, so transportation is easier only have to remove the wheels, pedals and turn the handlebars as they include everything necessary to protect the bike. Quickly you have your bike ready to travel.
From CarpathianDreams we suggest not to use cloth bag with no foam protection, in that case, it is better to use a cardboard box.
Cartons of bikes are easy to get, just go to a bike shop and ask that you keep a small box .. Ask to keep the protections include are foams circular and elongated standing in the table protecting the main pipes in the connecting rods and the fork legs. There are also plastic fork for wheels and also will need flanges and duct tape.
First step:
Remove the pedals
Second step:
Remove the front wheel it is necessary to put the bike in the box (watch keeps closing in a safe place will not be the first to be lost). The wheel anger between the left crank and frame secured with cable ties. By going without closing the wheel hub they are unprotected and may scratch the box, so you have to use plastic circular to avoid breaking the box and scratch the table.
Important not to remove the rear wheel that protects the pods if crushing.
Third step:
Dismantle the handlebar loosening power, leaving the knobs and buttons mounted change. Be sure to tighten all the screws power not to lose any.
The power is rotated 180 degrees, being in the position contrary to the usual fork to lean back gained ground. Place a plastic at the base of the fork to avoid hitting the ground.
The handlebar has been hanging on the brake cables and change, you must hold a flange to one of the fork legs.
Fourth step:
Remove the seat in some cases depending on the size of the bike and height of the box you can leave the seat mounted lowering to the minimum or you’ll have to disassemble him out mounted seat post.
Beware those of you hydraulic telescopic seatpost with cable inside the box whenever soon shaken seatpost help wire up and down from the bottom of the box so it will not bend, also because of how fragile recommend taking a rigid seat post the same size parts.
Fifth step:
Deflates a little wheels, so they do not burst with the pressure change to rise, since the aircraft hold may be depressurized. Do not do it fully to protect the tires during transport, if you leave you may find deflated surprise a bent tire or a punctured tube.
If you have a fork, shock absorber or air seatpost work with do the same. Force you to take with a pump damper.
Step Six:
To protect the transmission put the chain on the small plate and the large gear, thus the front and rear derailleurs are more protected by the connecting rods and pods bike. We recommend dismantling the rear derailleur and attach to the frame with a flange for safety. Also carry ungreased chain.
Lining the main pipe with cardboard or foam plumbing
Seventh step:
In a small box you will have to carry the front end of the wheel, the pedals, the multi-tool because it can not travel in a plane with it, pump, removable, spare parts, flanges and duct tape etc.
Step Eight:
Once the bike stuck in the box controls weight, you have to leave a margin of error. We recommend to include inside the box things bulky and lightweight that serve as protection against crushing.
Ninth step:
Close the box also recommend closing the top reforcéis the corners and the base, since it is the area that friction and blows more will suffer. It is advisable to surround the entire box several turns with duct tape by quadrants. The sides if the case snaps is the area where the cardboard is weak, tears easily.
Paste the box several pages with your name, address and telephone number. At the top and sides and inside and protect them with clear packing tape.
Tenth step:
Valuables such as camera or video, mobile, your boots, expensive technical clothing, such as the Goretex tzpe ones, better carry in a bag, suitcase or backpack to take with you in the cabin. Remember you can not exceed certain dimensions and weight usually not more than 10 kg.
We can only wish you have a good trip.
The CarpathianDreams team


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